How to fix the problem of missing template freelancer
If you have a problem missing the freelance template or if you use the demo civi ( home 01- home 12) but you want to use the Freelancer homepage (home 01 - home 5), please go to this link to download this zip file and import it to your site:
Go to Templates -> Saved Template -> Find " Freelancer 01,..."
After importing successfully, you need to create a new page. Go to Admin -> Pages -> Add New
After creating a new page, select Publish -> Edit it with Elementor -> In Elementor, please select the button Add template -> Select My Template and find the template that you want -> Click Insert to insert the template
Then click Update to update your page.
PreviousHow do fix the problem of missing images after importing the demo freelancer?NextHow to fix the problem missing the homepage ( home 01 -home 12) template
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