Create new place

From here you can create a new place

To create a new Place, please navigate to Place > All Place in the left sidebar. Top the list of All Place. Click "Add Place" button.

Choose from the following options:

1. General

Name: Add a title name for your place.

Place Overview: Locate the Visual Content Editor that allows you to easily create, edit, and format your place content in a view similar to that of a word processor. Use the content editor to enter all the property description content.

Price: Select price ranger.

Category: Select a parent Category for place.

Place type: Select a parent Place Type for place type.

2. Amenities

Select parent Amenities for place.

3. Location

Country: Select parent Country for place.

City: Select parent City for place.

Place Address: Insert the place address. As soon you start typing the address the system will suggest you the full formatted address. Golo keeps this information from Google Map database.

4. Contact info

Phone: Input a phone number for the business.

Email: Input an email address for the business.

Website: Input an website address for the business.

5. Social Networks

Facebook: Input the link to the company's facebook page.

Twitter: Input the link to the company's twitter page.

Instagram: Input the link to the company's Instagram page.

6. Opening hours

Input time open for place

7. Media

Thumb: Upload a images to display on the Place Listing.

Gallery: Upload images to display on the Place detail page.

Video (Optional): Put a link video display on the Place detail page.

8. Booking Type

Booking Type: Select booking type for place. The theme support three type for booking.

  • Affiliate Link Booking (Recommend for the hotel)

  • Enquiry Booking

  • Instant Booking

  • Banner Ads

After completing all the necessary fields, click on the "Submit" button.

Last updated