
Create and manage cities.

To create a new City:

To create a new City, please navigate to Place > City in the left sidebar. Top the list of city. Click "Add City" button.

In the Popup, choose from the following options:

Country: Select the country in which you want to create a place.

City Name: Enter the name of the city.

Slug: The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.

Description: Enter a short description of the city.

Intro: Enter a short intro text of the city.

Featured Image: This image will be displayed in listing cities. Click on "Choose Image" to open the image management folder, then select the photos.

Banner Image: This image will be displayed in detail city page. Click on "Choose Image" to open the image management folder, then select the photos.

Currency: Enter currency of the city. Ex: U.S. dollar

Language: Enter language of the city. Ex: English

Best time to visit: Enter the best time to visit for the . Ex: April

Google Map Address: Input a location for the city.

After completing all the necessary fields, click on the "Add New City" button.

Last updated