
Manager and create a blog post

Create a blog post

To create a new Blog Post, please navigate to Blog > All posts in the left sidebar. Top the list of post. Click the "Add New" button.

In the create post page, choose from the following options:

Title: Enter the post’s title in the editing field.

Content: Enter the contents in the editing field.

Meta: Type the words to be tagged, separate multiple tags with commas.

SEO title: Leave blank if you want to use Default Information to SEO

Categories: To assign it to the post, check the box next to the Category name.

Featured Image: Choose Featured image: click “Set Featured Image” then choose a image for your post.

When you have finished, click Submit to save and publish the post.

2. Manager blog post

In your Dashboard, go to Blog - All Post. Where you can edit, delete or create a new post.

Last updated