Setup Multi-Language

  1. Add json for new language into folder /i18n. Ex: en.json

  2. Open lib/main.dart

    supportedLocales: [Locale('en', 'US')],

    Add Locale of new language here.

  3. Open lib/localization/Localized.dart

    bool isSupported(Locale locale) {
      return ['en'].contains(locale.languageCode);

    Add your language code in to this array. Ex: ["en", "vn", "fr"]

  4. Open lib/localization/LocalizedKey.dart

    class LocalizedKey {
      static const String exploreTheWorld = "Explore the world";
      static const String enterACityOrLocation = "Enter a city or location";
      static const String popularCities = "Popular cities";
      static const String viewAll = "View All";
      static const String travelInspiration = "Travel Inspiration";
      static const String viewMore = "View More";
      static const String allCities = "All Cities";
      static const String home = "Home";
      static const String readMore = "Read more";
      static const String cityInfomation = "City Infomations";
      static const String filter = "Filter";

    Add key here.

  5. How to use?


    In Text component:

      Localized.of(context).trans(LocalizedKey.exploreTheWorld) ?? "",
      style: TextStyle(
          fontFamily: GoloFont,
          fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
          fontSize: 32),

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