How to translate/edit texts/words?
If you want to use your preferred language on the theme, just use the Loco Translate Plugin to work it out
From the admin dashboard go to Plugins -> Add New
2. Search for the Loco Translate plugin.
3. Install and activate the plugin
4. Choose the Lagi Themes and Uxper Metabox Plugins to edit.
5. Click the New language link.
6. Now you have to choose the language and the file location from the dropdown menus. As was mentioned previously, this action is required both for the localization of your website for any language or just changing the strings with your own ones.
7. Finally, you should see a list with all the theme’s/plugins’ strings and you can start to change/translate strings:
Search for the string that you want to change;
Add your own value for the string;
And click the Save button
Note: You need to create 2 files.POT for Lagi Themes and Uxper Metabox Plugins in Loco Translate
Last updated